94. MTWY turns 5! The limitation of abundance

~Written by Danielle N. Bilski ~

Two days ago, on the 4th August 2014, mytimewithyou.com.au turned FIVE!


The first two years were dedicated to writing my way through ideas, ambitions, hopes and challenges as I planned my first manuscript.

The beginning of the third year was marked with my return to university and as the manuscript was neglected, my writing skills improved more than I expected they would through applied learning. Now, in the third and final year of my Literature degree, I have taken the opportunity to look back on the pieces of I have written and can appreciate how much I’ve learned – not only from studying, but from practicing my craft and from living the passionate life of an observer.

Possibilities are endless and with this website I’ve had a rare opportunity, attempting to capture some personal moments. I actually saved this post’s title as a draft last year, because I had a feeling it was something special. I thought today was the right time to use it. I guess it’s a simple way of defining what this website has been for me – a limited, subjective reflection from the abundance of possibilities, ideas, feelings, actions, reactions I’ve experieced in the world we all share.

Academically, I’m thrilled to share that I received two High Distinctions over the past two months – one for weekly participation posts marked out of 30, which I received  one hundred percent for; the second was ninety percent for a short story I wrote. I’m so grateful and excited the hard work and dedication is visible on my transcript! More than that for me, though, is the appreciation of my words which is priceless!

So, I’ll keep this post short. However, I posted a new poem today in post 93, titled A part of. It was a piece I wrote for myself and my family, but I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you to everyone who has supported me, my writing, my education and this website. Without you, this would only ever have been My Time. I’m eternally grateful to you and wish you continued happiness and fulfillment in the ways you choose to live your own time.

Finding something amongst everything,

My time with you

©2014 Danielle N. Bilski