198. Who alts (poem)

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~

Who alts

To You who alters,

Please protect your energy,
nurture your shimmering light,
not everyone deserves to be,
granted access,
to your consciousness,
your precious soul,
remarkable mind.

I thought,
I was unlikeable,
an unrecognisable,
unique shape.
for acknowledgement,
in a re-sized box,
I could never escape.

Since I deleted,
all social media,
two years of my life,
have been mine.
Time has expanded,
matrix shattered,
I will never go back,
to being a digital lie.

I forgive you now,
for not knowing,
what you were,
in the presence of.
I was wrong to believe,
you gave me up,
now I realise not everyone,
values unconditional love.

Since I sold my television,
I make all decisions,
with faith and wisdom,
I am no longer in fear.
I trust myself,
not a voice from a screen,
who has been paid money,
to get into every undiscerning ear.

I hope you protect your energy,
learn to nurture your eternal light,
because not everyone deserves to be,
granted all-access,
to your consciousness,
your precious soul,
remarkable mind.

How much of your power,
has been sacrificed?

Love from, Life

©2023 Danielle N Bilski